Endorsement for Leader of the Green Party of Canada.
August 22, 2020 | Micah Dewey
I personally got involved in politics because I noticed how certain groups of people have been ostracized by the current Canadian Political establishment. I began my search to select a political party based on shared philosophical values, vision for a better Canada, and the leadership to move our nation forward, but also attempt to atone for the sins of our past. I came upon the Green Party of Canada, and noticed that while there were some policies and issues that I did not agree with 100%, the Greens fit my worldview the best: Climate Action, True Reconciliation with the First Peoples of the land in which I call home, heartfelt economic and social justice, and the vision for a better, green Canada. Today, while we are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic and economic depression, there is only one person I can truly give my support to in the Leadership Race for the Green Party of Canada, and that person is Meryam Haddad.
Meryam has a vision to make our party more democratic and inclusive. She also has a real vision inline with my own view of how Canada could be if we all work together: to remove corruption from the highest levels of government, bring the focus back to working people, rather than the Oil Industry and the big corporations. If we select Meryam to be our leader we really will see a change in societal and political values.
I know she has the heart to be a National Leader. I know she has the courage to stand up to corrupt politicians, and stand up for the least of us. I know that she will be the best possible choice for Greens in the upcoming leadership election, and so with that I, Micah Dewey, endorse Meryam Haddad for Leader of the Green Party of Canada.